BCM50 SIP trunk update
I have now deployed the solution mentioned in the previous post “in-the-wild”, running on an NSLU2 via unslung. A bit of tweaking was required, but the solution has been up and running for over a week now with only a couple of slight issues:
1) Sending DTMF does not work. This is possibly due to using G.729 rather than aLaw, assuming the BCM50 uses in-band DTMF. I will investigate further, as it may be that Voiceflex have my SIP trunks configured to use SIP INFO or RFC2833.
2) When calling a PSTN number from the BCM, if the call is ringing longer than a certain time, the call is disconnected. I will replicate this in the lab to determine the cause.
I have a couple of updates to this - see BCM50 SIP Update 2, and Here