Scott Donnelly

CakePHP ExtendAssociations - HABTM Update by HABTM primary key

For a few years now I have been using Brandon Parise’s great CakePHP behaviour, ExtendAssociations, which I originally found here at the Bakery. Lately I have been developing an app that has a HABTM relationship that has extra data stored in the relationship, and also can have multiple entries for the same association.
To explain further, I have a Sale model, that can be associated to multiple Items. each association stores the sale price and the quantity of the item. Also, say for example a Sale has 4 of Item X associated to it at £99, this cound be added to at a later date with 2 Item X at £130 for example. Since each HABTM association cannot be identified uniquely by the tuple of sale_id and item_id, the HABTM table must have a primary key field for itself.

The original ExtendAssociations update action did not provide an update action. I provided one a while ago here, but this is not sufficient for the scenario mentioned above, so here is another action which can update an HABTM association using the HABTM join table primary key as a reference:

function habtmUpdatePrimary(&$model, $assoc, $ids = array(), $extra = array() ) {
if(!is_array($ids)) {
$extra = array($extra);
$ids = array($ids);

    // make sure the association exists
    if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {
        // get association data
        $joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['joinTable'];
        $associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['associationForeignKey'];
        $foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['foreignKey'];

        $joinClass = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc]['with'];   // Thanks to CrashHD for this change
        $joinTablePrimaryKey = $model->$joinClass->primaryKey;

        if( !empty($joinTable) && !empty($joinTablePrimaryKey) ) {

            $success = true;
            foreach($ids as  $index => $id)
                // execute SQL query for each $id
                $sql = array();
                foreach( $extra[$index] as $key => $value ) {
                    if ($value != null) {
                        $sql[] = $key . " = '". addslashes($value) . "'";
                    } else {
                        $sql[] = $key . " = NULL";
                $result = $model->query( "UPDATE `$model->tablePrefix.$joinTable` set ".implode( "," , $sql )." WHERE $joinTablePrimaryKey = $id");
                if (!$result) $success = false;
            return $success;
        } else {
            // invalid join table name or primary key field name
            return false;
    } else {
        // association doesn't exist, return false
        return false;

Here is the associated action to delete a HABTM by join table primary key:

function habtmDeletePrimary(&$model, $assoc, $ids) {
$ids = array($ids);

// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

//get extra data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];

$joinClass = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘with’]; // Thanks to CrashHD for this change
$joinTablePrimaryKey = $model->$joinClass->primaryKey;

$table = (!empty($model->tablePrefix)) ? “$model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable“ : “$joinTable“;

//SANITY CHECKS, thanks CrashHD
if (!$joinTable || !$foreignKey || !$associationForeignKey || !$joinClass || !$joinTablePrimaryKey || !$table) return FALSE;

$sql = “DELETE FROM $table WHERE “;
$first = true;
foreach($ids as $id) {
$sql .= ($first?””:” OR “) . “$joinTablePrimaryKey = ‘$id’”;
$first = false;

// execute SQL
$success = $model->query($sql);
return $success;

// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;
Here is the full code for the version of ExtendAssociations that I currently use - any comments / criticisms / improvements welcome. I would again like to thank Brandon Parise for graciously publishing the original Behaviour, nice work!




// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

// get association data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];

$success = true;
$n = 0;

if( !empty( $joinTable ) ) {
foreach($assoc_ids as $assoc_id)
// execute SQL query for each $assoc_id
$values = array(“‘“ . $id . “‘“, “‘“ . $assoc_id . “‘“);
$cols = array(“" . $foreignKey . "“, “" . $associationForeignKey . "“);
foreach( $extra[$n] as $key => $value )
array_push($cols, ‘' . $key . '‘);
array_push($values, “‘“ . addslashes($value) . “‘“);

$result = $model->query( “INSERT INTO $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable (“ . implode( “, “, $cols) . “) VALUES (“ . implode( “,” , $values ) . “)”);
if (!$result) $success = false;
} else {
return false;
return $success;

// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;


// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

//get extra data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];

//build SQL query
$sql = “DELETE FROM $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable WHERE $foreignKey = ‘$id’”;
if($assoc_ids[0] != ‘*’) {
$sql .= “ AND (“;
$first = true;
foreach($assoc_ids as $assoc_id)
$sql .= ($first?””:” OR “) . “$associationForeignKey = ‘$assoc_id’”;
$first = false;
$sql .= “)”;

// execute SQL
$success = $model->query($sql);
return $success;

// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;


// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

//get extra data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];

$joinClass = array($model->name, $assoc);
$joinClass = Inflector::pluralize($joinClass[0]) . $joinClass[1];
$joinTablePrimaryKey = $model->$joinClass->primaryKey;

$sql = “DELETE FROM $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable WHERE “;
$first = true;
foreach($ids as $id)
$sql .= ($first?””:” OR “) . “$joinTablePrimaryKey = ‘$id’”;
$first = false;

// execute SQL
$success = $model->query($sql);
return $success;

// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;


// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

// get association data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];

if( !empty( $joinTable ) ) {

$success = true;
foreach($assoc_ids as $index => $assoc_id)
// build query for each $assoc_id
$sql = array();
foreach( $extra[$index] as $key => $value ) {
if ($value != null) {
$sql[] = $key . “ = ‘“. addslashes($value) . “‘“;
} else {
$sql[] = $key . “ = NULL”;
// update each association with the new values
$result = $model->query( “UPDATE $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable set “.implode( “,” , $sql ).” WHERE $foreignKey = $id AND $associationForeignKey = ‘$assoc_id’”);
if (!$result) $success = false;

return $success;
} else {
// join table not specified, return false
return false;
} else {
// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;


// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {

// get association data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];

$joinClass = array($model->name, $assoc);
$joinClass = Inflector::pluralize($joinClass[0]) . $joinClass[1];
$joinTablePrimaryKey = $model->$joinClass->primaryKey;

$n = 0;
if( !empty( $joinTable ) )
$whereClause = “(“;
foreach($ids as $id)
// craft where clause
if ($n > 0) $whereClause .= “ OR “;
$whereClause .= “$joinTablePrimaryKey = $id”;
$whereClause .=”)”;

$res = $model->query( “SELECT * FROM $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable WHERE $whereClause”);
return $res;
// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;


// make sure the association exists
if(isset($model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc])) {
// get association data
$joinTable = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘joinTable’];
$associationForeignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘associationForeignKey’];
$foreignKey = $model->hasAndBelongsToMany[$assoc][‘foreignKey’];

$joinClass = array($model->name, $assoc);
$joinClass = Inflector::pluralize($joinClass[0]) . $joinClass[1];
$joinTablePrimaryKey = $model->$joinClass->primaryKey;

if( !empty($joinTable) && !empty($joinTablePrimaryKey) ) {

$success = true;
foreach($ids as $index => $id)
// execute SQL query for each $id
$sql = array();
foreach( $extra[$index] as $key => $value ) {
if ($value != null) {
$sql[] = $key . “ = ‘“. addslashes($value) . “‘“;
} else {
$sql[] = $key . “ = NULL”;
$result = $model->query( “UPDATE $model-&gt;tablePrefix.$joinTable set “.implode( “,” , $sql ).” WHERE $joinTablePrimaryKey = $id”);
if (!$result) $success = false;
return $success;
} else {
// invalid join table name or primary key field name
return false;
} else {
// association doesn’t exist, return false
return false;



$model->recursive = 1;
$model->cacheQueries = false;

// unbind all models except the habtm association
$this->unbindAll($model, array(‘hasAndBelongsToMany’ => array($assoc)));
$data = $model->find(array($model->name.’.’.$model->primaryKey => $id));

$model->recursive = $tmp_recursive;
$model->cacheQueries = $tmp_cacheQueries;

if(!empty($data)) {
// use Set::extract to extract the id’s ONLY of the $assoc
$data[$assoc] = array($assoc => Set::extract($data, $assoc.’.{n}.’.$model->primaryKey));

return $data;
