Scott Donnelly

ExtAuth - A CakePHP 2.x Component for easy federated login via Google, Twitter, Facebook, and more

I’ve released a CakePHP component that I’ve been working on on GitHub - comments, criticisms welcome. The component handles OAuth (1.0, 1.0a and 2.0) authentication, and is designed to allow the user to very rapidly get federated login up and running, across multiple providers, with as little fuss as possible.

ExtAuth does not provide a User Model or User Controller. It is provided as a Component that is to be
integrated into your own (or another plugin’s) User Controller. An example of how to do this is below.


ExtAuth is installed the same way as any other CakePHP 2.x plugin. Simply copy the ExtAuth folder to App/Plugin.


  1. Make sure that the plugin gets loaded by CakePHP. To do this, place the line

    <pre class="brush: php">CakePlugin::load('ExtAuth');</pre>

    at the bottom of your Config/bootstrap.php file.

  2. For each of the login providers that you wish to use, you need to create an app/project, set the callback URLs, obtain an app key
    and an app secret, and tell ExtAuth what these are. Here’s how:


    1.  Browse to
    1. Create a project, if you have not already.
    2. Click on API Access
    3. Create a client ID. You need to set the Redirect URI to
      (replace with your domain name. You can’t use an invalid TLD, such as,
      for testing - Google does not allow this. you’ll need to use instead, as well
      as your live domain.) The path of the callback can be changed in the ExtAuth component’s settings.
    4. Create two lines in your app’s Config/core.php file (or elsewhere if you have another location for app settings)
      similar to the following:

      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Google.key', '');
      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Google.secret', 'blahblahblahblahblahblah');

      Replace the config values with the Client ID and Client secret for your project in the Google API console.


    1.  Browse to
    1. Create an application if you have not got one already. The Callback URL needs to be
      The path of the callback can be changed in the ExtAuth component’s settings if needs be.
    2. Create two lines in your app’s Config/core.php file (or elsewhere if you have another location for app settings)
      similar to the following:

      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Twitter.key', 'blahblahblah');
      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Twitter.secret', 'blahblahblahblahblahblah');

      Replace the config values with the Consumer key and Consumer secret for your app on the Twitter apps Details tab.

    3. Make sure “Sign In With Twitter” is ticked in the settings for your app on Twitter.


    1.  Browse to
    1. Create an app, if you have not done so already. Set the “App Domain” as the domain name of your CakePHP site.
    2. Click on “Website with Facebook Login”. set the site URL as the URL of your CakePHP site.
    3. Create two lines in your app’s Config/core.php file (or elsewhere if you have another location for app settings)
      similar to the following:

      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Facebook.key', '431235136634241414');
      Configure::write('ExtAuth.Provider.Facebook.secret', '12344g4f3241e4d2144');

      Replace the config values with the App ID and App Secret for your app in Facebook.


Firstly, ensure that your User Controller is loading the ExtAuth component, as well as CakePHP’s Auth component:

public $components = array('ExtAuth', 'Auth', 'Session');

You will need, at minimum, two actions in your User Controller. These will initiate the authentication and handle a callback from
the provider. Something like this:

public function auth_login($provider) {
    $result = $this->ExtAuth->login($provider);
    if ($result['success']) {


    } else {

public function auth_callback($provider) {
    $result = $this->ExtAuth->loginCallback($provider);
    if ($result['success']) {

        $this->__successfulExtAuth($result['profile'], $result['accessToken']);

    } else {

You will also need to create two routes in Config/routes.php, similar to the following:

Router::connect('/auth_login/*', array( 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'auth_login'));
Router::connect('/auth_callback/*', array( 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'auth_callback'));

That’s it. I’ll leave it to you to implement the __successfulExtAuth function, but, you might want something similar to this:

private function __successfulExtAuth($incomingProfile, $accessToken) {

    // search for profile
    $this->SocialProfile->recursive = -1;
    $existingProfile = $this->SocialProfile->find('first', array(
        'conditions' => array('oid' => $incomingProfile['oid'])

    if ($existingProfile) {

        // Existing profile? log the associated user in.
        $user = $this->User->find('first', array(
            'conditions' => array('id' => $existingProfile['SocialProfile']['user_id'])

    } else {

        // New profile.
        if ($this->Auth->loggedIn()) {

            // user logged in already, attach profile to logged in user.

            // create social profile linked to current user
            $incomingProfile['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
            $this->Session->setFlash('Your ' . $incomingProfile['provider'] . ' account has been linked.');

        } else {

            // no-one logged in, must be a registration.
            $user = $this->User->register(array('User' => $incomingProfile));

            // create social profile linked to new user
            $incomingProfile['user_id'] = $user['User']['id'];
            $incomingProfile['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
            $incomingProfile['access_token'] = serialize($accessToken);

            // populate user detail fields that can be extracted
            // from social profile
            $profileData = array_intersect_key(

                array('UserDetail' => $profileData),

            // log in

private function __doAuthLogin($user) {
    if ($this->Auth->login($user['User'])) {
        $user['last_login'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $this->User->save(array('User' => $user));

        $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__d('users', '%s you have successfully logged in'), $this->Auth->user('username')));